Saturday, December 12, 2009

What can you eat or drink to cleanse your bowels out fastest?

Like I drink Orange juice, apple juice? water. ?What can you eat or drink to cleanse your bowels out fastest?
Eat canteloupe, drink orange juice.What can you eat or drink to cleanse your bowels out fastest?
Drink pure water w/ a lemon squeeze in it , right as u get up in the morning or u can even drink it warm.
steamed vegetables do the trick! You will go abut 3 times a day! Just eat fruits and veggies.
A high fiber diet.Try metamucil,but only take 1 tsp first so you can see your reaction.Some people get cramps if you take too much.Fiber also helps your body burn fat
LAXATIVES.. i think.. hmm..

1 comment:

  1. You use it to find out how much vitamin c you body needs. During that time you expel the unneeded portion, mostly in liquid form. You drink a lot of water mixed with powered vitamin here
