Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Bowel Cleansing and Detox - best practice?

Someone told me I could 'cleanse', lose weight, and feel better by taking:

1: Apple Cider Vinegar (1tbs with 8oz water)

2: Cayenne (90,000 btu)

then, 15 minutes later

3: Psyllium Powder (fiber) (1tbs with 8oz water)

Taking 4 times per day. Once before meals (3) and once before bed (1).

Can anyone attest to this advice? Thanks.Bowel Cleansing and Detox - best practice?
Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, about 1 tablespoon in a glass of water will perk you up and lift your energy levels at any time of the day. Organic apple cider vinegar (Braggs is best) also encourages the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and thus aids digestion.

Cayenne I'm not sure about.

Psyllium Powder will no doubt have aspartame, as do most of those commercially produced powders. Aspartame is a chemically produced sweetner and will eventually do untold damage to you system. Go look at and see for yourself.

Rather than psyllium powder to increase your fibre content in your daily diet either grind 2 tablespoons of flaxseeds, full of all the good oils, a day onto your cereal or just put 2 tablespoons into a mug of hot water and leave to stand overnight. In the morning strain the seeds and drink the juice. This will keep you regular and detoxed and won't be introducing nasty chemicals into your temple - your body...... good luck

CHEERSBowel Cleansing and Detox - best practice?

Detoxification is a term that refers to the removing of toxins from the body. Some important herbs to consider in the process of detoxification include the following:

Cascara sagrada bark is widely appreciated for its quick-acting laxative effects. It stimulates secretions of the liver, gall bladder, stomach, and pancreas due to its bitter anthraquinone content.

Milk thistle seed is commonly used to improve liver function by stimulating protein synthesis. It also is a hepatoprotective (liver protector) agent. Milk thistle is considered a natural antioxidant, helping to detoxify a wide range of potentially damaging contaminants, including drugs, alcohol, and a wide variety of chemicals.

Psyllium seed is a lubricating mucilaginous fiber used as a gentle bulking and laxative agent. The mucilage in the seeds expands eight to fourteen times the size of the original seeds. This can also create a feeling of fullness, decreasing one's desire to overeat. Psyllium fiber works as a broom, sweeping the gastrointestinal tract of toxins. Be sure to drink lots of water when using psyllium as a cleansing agent!

Violet leaf is an alterative, antifungal, demulcent, diuretic, and laxative. It is safe and soothing, rich in beta carotene and vitamin C.

Capsicum also known as cayenne pepper is an alterative, antioxidant, antiseptic, and circulatory stimulant. It is rich in vitamin C and helps improve metabolism, thus contributing to weight loss.

Apple cider vinegar contains over forty vitamins and minerals. ACV releases toxins from the liver and has helped arthritis patients, people with high blood pressure, and skin conditions. Other ailments helped by consuming apple cider vinegar high cholesterol, insomnia and fatigue, liver and kidney problems, asthma, weight loss and more. The process takes a couple of minutes and results take from three days to one week. Put two to three tablespoons of ACV into a glass and dilute with water. You can add as much or as little water you prefer. It is recommended diluting with water so the acids in the vinegar do not hurt your teeth. Adding honey to the vinegar can bring more results. Honey helps digestion and also contains vitamins and enzymes.
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If you are constipated, this is a good way to get unclogged. I have used all of the products and they are safe. However I did not take them so frequently. Be careful with the cayenne because it can burn if you have ulcers, etc. The phyllium powder is used by millions for regularity and the vinegar, of course is the same vinegar we all us on salads. If you are irregular, it will make you feel better, but lose weight? I don't think so!.
There's a lot of pseudoscience insisting that toxic levels of waste build up in the colon, 'poisoning' you. It's total hogwash.

What will a colonic or a cleanse do for you? It'll empty the colon, for very short-term weight loss of waste that would have worked its way out over the next day or two. If you suffer from hemorrhoids, it may soften the stool to allow it to pass more comfortably. If you happen to be constipated, the problem will be solved, temporarily.

The con is that it's absolutely unnecessary. You'd be better off eating whole grains, plenty of fruit and vegetables, and drinking enough to be properly hydrated all the time.

There are no health benefits, no weight loss other than the weight of your poop, and no reason whatsoever to do this. You'd be better off taking a walk.鈥?/a>
My doctor had me on a cleanse like this because the build up caused my digestive issues. It's helped wonderfully!

You're on the right track.

I feel sorry for the people who speak against this yet have no personal experience with That's the equivalent of me trying to walk in a court room and defend a murderer! CLUELESS.

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